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Small Things

I've been having a lot of inflow of ideas recently. I'd also be helping a friend develop his existing system into a web based one. I think this is a good time for me to get back to coding and learning about new things since most of the ideas would require Facebook integration and Google APIs in development. Perhaps I could shoot in a little overview on the projects and track them from time to time and see which ideas are progressing.

Quotes - I have this thing for saving quotations and back then I had a local site which I store my favorite quotes but I think there's a better way of storing and sharing quotes. I've checked out some sites which does quote saving and sharing like but it lacks a certain function I need like importing quotes from e-readers like the Kindle or the iBooks app. They say that they have a plug-in for highlighting quotes and saving it but on my previous examination of the service it still lacks a lot of features. One annoying thing though is its banning of curse words. I often put to quote barkada conversations which, really has a lot of swear words. It also lacks privacy settings and the whole site assumes that all of your quotes are public. Quote saving using asks a lot of inputs but basically just needs two. UI design of that does not say that there are only required fields and others are optional. Persons quoted also doesn't appear as you type the author, I think that is really helpful to omit redundancies in spelling of the name and further on improve search since entries like Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and A. Saint-Exupéry and Saint-Exupéry existing on the database all at the same time. Sign up could also be more convenient by integrating to other SSO services like FB. has a nice site which, in just one click, could sign you up to their service.

Gig Finder - Ever had that nights when you and some friends want to watch a gig of some band, lets say, Sugarfree and doesnt really know where they're playing? I had that problems. Ever asked yourself what local bars are in your area and want to check who's playing where? I had that problems. So, maybe this could at least help the local (and hopefully global) gig industry to provide a simple web (or mobile) application people could use to find gigs near their location or query the web on who's playing where. I think it would come in pretty handy for gig hoppers out there.

Enrollment Scheduler - A friend of mine did a nice little Java application which lets you schedule the classes you will take and the breaks you have and could cycle different sections depending on the professor or the schedule you like. Its a very promising app though it would be better if it was a web app. Maybe after we've discussed what needs to be done to convert it into a web app, we could polish it with a more intuitive GUI and make it more easier to use. More info regarding this project could be found at .. I really hope that this thing existed while I was in college. I kinda hated the thought of 3 or 4 hour breaks during my day.


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